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To many carp anglers, the opportunity to indulge their favourite hobby for a week sounds like paradise. The chance to pack up your gear, head off on an adventure and set up camp by the side of a lake is the perfect escape from the real world. 
But there’s more to it than catching fish. For a carp angler, a carp holiday is a chance to truly live their passion in a way normal life just doesn’t allow. Work, family and social obligations prevent us from setting up camp for days at a time, focussing all of our time and attention on our passion. 
Here’s why given half a chance, most carp anglers will grab the opportunity to head on a carp holiday… 
It’s not just about the fishing 
A carp holiday is an opportunity to mix with other anglers and really indulge your hobby. Spending time with people who share your interests, appreciate your passions and really care about what you have to say is a perfect opportunity to bond and relax. 
The chances are your wife, your colleagues and your friends might not be that interested in carp angling. On a carp holiday you can talk fishing all day with people who are not just interested, but truly passionate about it too! 
The mental health boost 
We’re often told about the need to slow down, take stock and be present. With 24/7 news coverage, emails, mobile phone, busy schedules and the hustle and bustle of daily life causing us constant stress, sitting next to a picturesque lake without a care in the world is the perfect antidote. When the biggest decision to have to make is what bait or rig to use, it’s easy to feel the worries of the world melt away. 
There’s actually a psychological therapy where practitioners prescribe ‘green and blue’ spaces for their patients. Green spaces include fields, forests and a mixture of both. Blue spaces include rivers, lakes and the seaside. Research shows that spending time in green and blue spaces are beneficial for mental health. It stands to reason that a carp holiday could be the therapy many anglers need. 
Nature is good for the soul 
Even if you don’t go on a carp holiday to relieve stress, there’s something nourishing about spending time in nature. A week by the lakeside, surrounded by the birds and other wildlife, watching the world go by from the water’s edge is one of the most peaceful ways to spend a few days. 
We only really realise when we slow down just how little we need to make us happy. A lake, a few hours of solitude, wonderful views and one or two fish are all a carp angler really needs to have a great time! Throw in a few friends and some fantastic weather and you’ve got a week in paradise for most carp anglers. 
Finally, there’s the fish… 
Whilst a week by the lake is a great way to spend time, it’s topped off if you can bag a few fish whilst you’re out there! With the 24-hour per day fishing, you’ve got a great chance of catching some truly special fish. With many continental carp exceeding the 90lb mark, there’s a genuine opportunity to catch a memorable fish! 
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